Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Dreamers & Skateboards



Typical dreamy working day, worked with Chelsea and I just love her Canadian guts!
We do our usual dreamer talk, talk so much smack haha
We both just write in our journals on our lunch breaks and then read them to each other after haha she was telling me this quote that I need in my life and I was frothing..

We are travelers on a cosmic journey, stardust, swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share. This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity”
-Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist.

Going to go buy this book on pay dayyyy, LOVE. can’t wait.

Anyways we were talking about how our dream would to be Travel bloggers, one day but then we were like well, why don’t we just start a blog anyway??


We were trying to think of a name and since I might be watching too much Vampire diaries lately I thought why not Gypsy Diaries? Perfff

Except I do love having an actual travel Diary, with real raw words and feelings and with actual ink smudges. We’ll see!
I’m nearly finished this journal so maybe my next one will just have a name?

Anyways, today was also a very productive day!
I made a complete skateboard!! Christy wasn’t working today so I had to do it all by myself!
Golly I was so stoked with it.

..But Christy never taught me how to put the bearings into the wheels so that was a hectic moment. Chelsea also had no idea, so we were opening all these different packages of rubber things in the skate cabinet. SO GOLDEN.

We were running out of time till this Mum was coming back to pick up the skateboard. And then Hallelujah this skater guy walks in and we just call him over to the skate section and ask him to help us hahaha he was probably thinking what the crazy!

It would have been so funny to film that, us running around like a couple of chickens with our heads cut off!

But beside the bearing situation, the board turned out perfect!!


Perfect day and sushi for dinner OMG YES x

Monday, 23 September 2013

“I heart Latino boys”


I just got home from seeing Carlos. It was a really cool night; let me fill you in on the goss hehe

He took me to this international film festival in down town Calgary, how trendy right??

Love Calgary city! Anyways we were way early, but I think that was the point? So we got tea and walked around the city. Since this is legit the second time I’ve seen him it was pretty interesting convo. Yannoooe

He’s traveled a bit so mad bonus points added, of course I just asked a billion questions haha the world is so cool.

It’s funny when people ask me why I’m in Canada. I mean I could get heaps deep and tell them this epic story of how I got here but basically it’s just YOLO hahha

Anyways we went to this movie, and because he’s Latino I thought maybe a Spanish movie? Nope, French! COOL well French Canadian since we are in Canada hehe

It was good movie but I just remembered this hilarious story that I need to write down before i fall asleep, Omg I thought it was so funny and I know Chans will find it so funny

OKAY, so before he came to pick me up, my top was in the dryer so I just put on a random top while it was drying, but the first top I found was “I heart Latino boys” that I got a Pitbull’s concert. Lol I instantly think that would make a funny snapchat to send to my aussie babes back home since I was about to see a Latino boy..

Anyways I was just wearing it why I was snapping/doing my hair.. next minute Carlos comes wicked early and is knocking at my door...

And I’m still wearing this top omg, I didn’t have time to go down stairs to get my top that was drying so I just go into my room and look for another top before I opened the door.

Except I couldn’t find a top!! everything I picked up was pants or shorts or dresses. FINALLY found a sweater or something. LOL imagine if I just answered the door in that top…. Ummmm who is even this girl?


But seriously it was such a horrendous movie moment, dyingggg

Sleep now, Buenos noches x

Saturday, 21 September 2013


Last night was lovelyyyy
I made Jerica and Joel come get Nacho’s with me.
Was craving them so bad. Haha they took me to Boston Pizza to get nachos?
But I shouldn’t have doubted them, it was MUY BIEN

I had to work this morning and I was opening.


Wicked tired but I'm getting used to little sleep, Joel didn’t leave till 5 in da morning. Wot.
Just loves me then leaves me. Todz just kidding about the love me bit, we are strictly just besties for life.

Work was super exciting, but way busy haha typical Saturday, I was scheduled on to finish at 2 but I knew that wouldn’t happen. Plus I was working with Christy so I was happy to Stay.

Once I got home I was soooo hungry and tired. Didn’t have a break at work because I didn’t want to spend money and I might as well make money by working hehe

money love/hate you.

Legit once I got home, I stripped off and ate Indian food then napped for two hours.


I could of kept sleeping for 1.7 years but I’ll sleep when I’m dead (/later tonight hehehe can’t wait)

I shower and glammed up for this YSA party that Cody was taking me to.

Joel and Cody picked me up, so kind of them :-) Jerica had a work party so no wing women tonight.

The party was awesome! Probably the best I’ve been to in Canada. So many people, and I knew like no one! Which is so exciting/scary.

Met heaps of people including this guy Carlos, totally Latino. He was kewl, seeing him again on Monday night.
ayyyyyyyyyyye ;)  

At the end of the night I was getting so tired ZZZZZzzzzz
But I endued haha nahh tonight was a solid PARTY


Thursday, 19 September 2013

Life is good

Another day, another dollar

Today was just a standard day, My normal Canadian life.

It’s cool that my life here feels so natural and normal now, like I forget that I’m actually Australian all the time.

“oh where is your accent from?”

ohhh that right I’m from Australia haha But it’s cool.

Sometimes I lie at work and tell people I’m from South Africa, hahaha I don’t even know why! Lucky no one really asks anything more about South Africa because I know NOTHING hahaha I feel better now I’ve gotten that off my chest lololol

Must have gotten that from the African dance Christy, Chelsea and I made up to sharika

“Waka waka, eh eh, Tsamina mina zangalew This time for Africa..”

Work was great today again, worked with miss Chelsea. Bloody love that girl so much. We talked so much about travelling, my favourite subject! Hehe she was getting me so excited about going to Bali in Jan. She just backpacked Thailand last year. Travel is seriously so eye opening, and it amazes me that if I never came to Canada I would have never met all these amazing people in my life right now!


Life, just too good.

After I got home from work I was so damn cold. I just sat on my bed with Jerica and had cute as chats. We are going to have a Halloween party!! YAY Halloween. So North American!

I’m thinking I’m going to go as a Vampire. Lol I wonder what inspired that thought? Definitely not all the Vampire Diaries I’ve been watching haha

But since we don’t have Halloween in Aus I need to live out all my dress up fantasies this Canadian Halloween. Gotta go big or go home eh?

During Jerica’s bed chats Chani called me on Skype. SOOO good talking to Chans! Love her guts!!!

Even though we aren’t as close right now, she will always be such a huge part of my life! She was telling me scandalous stories about some boy who will remain nameless that she’s hooking up with currently
I was so shocked hahah I love SCANDALS heheh

Didn’t think she had it in her, nahhh I knew she did. Love her!

Where the hell are all my scandalous Canadian boys stories??

Hahaha But after we exchanged boys stories I was talking to her about my next year plans, and how I’m so confused!!

Like I want to go live in Mexico/do my Orphanage dream but to save for that I’d need to come home to Aus to properly save. But I’m so in love with my Canadian life that maybe I should come back to Canada and do another year? And just do Mexico later?

But I’m scared that I wont ever do Mexico if I put it off..
I’m so confusedddddd

911 help

Too many things I want to do, Lucky I’m only eighteen

I have to remember that, got all the time in world. Seriouslyyyyyyyyy

Anyways I was telling her my problems and I was like what the hell

“Maybe I’ll just get married next year”

100% joking.

but since my bedroom door was wide open, the whole house could hear my whole Skype convo

and then I get a text message from my roomie Emma saying “are you getting married to Bell next year?”

Jerica is still on my bed also, she just cracks up laughing hahaha Chani was so confused..

but I love Emma so much, Bell is this random hot missionary in my ward btw.

My roommates are the greatest; Jen and Emma always surprise me with the most random comments, Especially Jen!

I ended the day by watching more Vampire Diaries and drinking chai tea with Jerica.

Oh actually I had to stop and clean the bathroom tonight at 11:40pm because chores have to be done by midnight every Thursday!

Okay sleep timeeee ZZZZZzzzzzzzZZZZzzzzzzzz
